"Monkey Bridge"

"Monkey Bridge"
book cover

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jeffrey Vinokur April 10, 2008
Hon. English IV Mr. Saxon

Monkey Bridge: An Autobiography of Lan Cao

Monkey Bridge is a semi-autobiographical story of a Vietnamese immigrant teenager who learns about her family history and past. Critics have praised Monkey Bridge for highlighting the plight of the Vietnamese American during the 1970s and depicting the Vietnam conflict from multiple non-bias perspectives. The book was received well by the critics who hailed it as a “touching and powerful story” that documents the Vietnamese American imigrant’s experience post-Vietnma war. New York Times Book Review contributor Michiko Kakutani commented, "Cao does a sensitive job of delineating the complicated relationship between a mother and a daughter" and concludes, "Cao has made an impressive debut." While most critics and literary criticsims focus on the thematic aspects of the story such as charectar relationships, I belive that the books relation to Lan Cao’s actual life in underhighlighted. Lan Cao wrote this book as a fictional adaptation to her actual life events. The book can even be concidered an autobiography if Mai, the main charectar in the book, is represented as Lan Cao. Mai strongly paralleles the stuggles that Lan Cao undergoes in her life and many of the events from the book actually occored in Lan Cao’s life. For example, Mai immegrates to the USA at the same age and in the same way as Lan Cao. The similarites are stunning and greatly help with a thourough understanding of the book.

Lan Cao is herself a naitive of Vietnam. “In 1975 the last of the U.S. embassy officials were airlifted out of Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam. Among those airlifted were Vietnamese whose families had opposed the communists, including Lan Cao” (Banerian 1). In the book, Cao describes a young Vietnamese girl named Mai Nguyen who at the age of 13 immegrates to the United states at the end of the war. Right from the beginnning, the reader recieves clues that the book is an autobiographical account due to the striking similarites of Age, time period, method of immigration, and even setteling location. Both Mai and Cao settle in little Saigion, a nickname for a city with a large vietnamese imigrant population. Lan Cao sets up th eplot as a starightforward autobiography, but deviates over the course of the book from this genre.

The remaining chapters in the book lightly follow Lan Cao’s life events but deviate in order to give the reader insight into the Vietnam conflict from multiple perspectives. As a Vietnam War novelist, Cao writes “as an outsider with inside information” (Monkey Bridge 41). Due to her first hand experiences in Vietnam, Lan Cao became a professor of literature in 1983 and expert on Vietnamese studies. Through the course of the book, multiple narrators tell the story of Vietnam. Cao’s healthy relationship with her parents who also immigrated to the United States accounts for the book’s emphasis on Thanh’s narrative. The story of Vietnam from her mother’s perspective is bred from Lan Cao’s relationship and experiences with her own mother. One deviation from Cao’s actual life is the character of Baba Quan. This mysterious grandfather who was left in Vietnam illustrates the unknowns and secrets of Vietnam since Cao was only 13 when she left the country and may not remember everything accurately.

“She encourages us to allegorize from these stories, to see the experiences of her portrayed body as metaphors for the experience of her birth nation” (Janette 3).

Friday, April 4, 2008

Final Book Comparison

With one last post remaining this marking period, I am going to analyze the characters presented in the two books I have read. To remind you, the books were A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and Monkey Bridge by Lan Cao. Alex DeLarge in Clockwork and Mai of Monkey Bridge are both surprisingly the same age, but they have developed into two completely different people. Despite their differences, they still illustrate the common thoughts and dreams of a teenager growing up in an unknown world.

Growing up

Teenagers find themselves in between childhood and adulthood. It is a stage in their lives where they leave the protection of their parents and start to live independently; however, they are still vulnerable to the many menacing forces the real world can throw at them. In Monkey Bridge, Mai is only 13 years old when she comes to America. In her transformation to becoming an adult, she sets out to discover the true past of her family and unveil knowledge about the Vietnam conflict as an insider. She works hard to prove herself and complete her goal. Her innocence is depicted though her misunderstanding of her family history, but in the end she becomes enlightened and develops a great understanding for her heritage.

Although Alex DeLarge in Clockwork is not presented in a family situation, he is still considered a teenager who is trying to prove himself in the real world. He is constantly trying to impress his gang and trying to define himself by doing bolder and more dangerous acts then his friends. Unfortunately in Alex’s case, the world he is in takes advantage of him and Alex becomes a victim of the Ludovico technique. After he is taken off this sadistic therapy, Alex starts the transformation into an adult. He looks to a future without violence and staring a family as an adult.

This theme also ties into our fourth marking period projects as we start our rite of passage from grade school students to college students. In college, students need to take a lot moe responsibility for their own work since there aren’t parents and teachers pressuring them to work hard. This is a new situation all the seniors will be facing as we transform from dependent teenagers to fully functioning adults. The Personal Improvement Project is one of the major step that will help with this change. I don’t know what I will be doing for the project yet, but I will blog post about my ideas in the next week.

Until next time…


Friday, March 21, 2008

For this blog post, I would like to compare and contrast the two books I have read for the third marking period. While they may seem different at first glance, these books are actually remarkably similar and have their own way of setting themselves apart. Monkey Bridge by Lan Cao is a book about not forgetting where you came from and connecting past, present, and future. On the Other hand, A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess, is about violence and sadistic control over a person’s choices; however, A Clockwork Orange also uses a theme of time: past, present and future.

After I finished reading A Clockwork Orange, I did research on the book using Questia and discovered that there was originally one less chapter in the story. As I mentioned in my last post about this book, Clockwork ends with Alex thinking about a positive future; a life with a wife and kids, and without violence, pain, and death. In the years after the book was written, this last positive chapter was added to the book, which would otherwise end with Alex returning to his poor behavior of beating, tormenting, and raping innocent people. I believe Anthony Burgess added this final chapter to help drive home the ultimate meaning and goal of this story. Without the last chapter, people may not see the meaning of the story and wouldn’t take away anything from it. With his last chapter, we can break the book up into past, present, and future events:

In the far past, Alex was a thug on the street who beat, rapped, and molested people without understanding the nature of his violence.

In the past, Alex was treated by the Government to make him incapable of making the decision between right and wrong, so he was always forced to subdue to others. He was also unable to carry out acts of violence.

In the future, Alex thinks about ending his violent path and starting over with his life. His last thoughts are those of starting a family and children.

These seemingly different books share the common thread of time: Past, Present and Future. Lan Cao utilizes this aspect to show the Vietnam conflict from multiple perspectives and angles, and Anthony Burgess uses it to highlight moral choice and clearly show his intent in writing the book.

Time: Past, Present, Future

Thursday, March 20, 2008

"B" vs "A"

Until today, I mistakenly thought that I needed to read 4 books and complete 4 project to earn an "A" for the marking period, but thanks to the exuberant classmate who sits next to me, I was informed that my assumption was incorrect.

You only need 3 books for an "A" and two books for a "B"!

If I had known this before, I would definitely have gone for an "A."

I started reading 'Ceremony,' a book by Leslie Silko, until this generous student (whose blog can be found here) informed me that I only needed 2 books. As a result, I have stopped reading Ceremony after being about 19 pages into it.

I am truly disappointed in myself for not knowing that 3 books = A, and 2 books = B. Now that I must settle for a "B" since I missed a project, I will blog about A Clockwork Orange and Monkey Bridge; the two books I have already read. To redeem myself, the projects I will do and my blog posts will hopefully be very strong.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Clockwork Orange: Final Post

A Clockwork Orange has turned out to be a suspenseful, alarming, and disturbing story which sets itself apart from any other book you will ever read. As I said in my first post about this book, I started out reading A Clockwork Orange because my classmates told me that it was interesting. Once I got pass the initial blockage of the Nadsat language, I continued to read it because it was engaging, unsettling, and just plain creepy.

Anthony Burgess wrote this book in 1962. This may seem like an outdated book, but its morals and principles still apply to today’s society more the ever. For this blog post I would like to analyze the book as a whole and the significance of the ending to the moral of the story.

For Burgess, the important idea is a choice between right and wrong. His book is similar to 1984 by George Orwell in that it presents a futuristic issue that society faces. Although I don’t think the type of mind control presented in the book ever came true, this kind of government control is still a possibility. His argument is that people should have the choice between right and wrong and this is a right that should be guaranteed to people.

Even though Alex is a low life who does horrible things, we root for him since his basic freedoms have been taken away and his mind crippled. When he is finally removed from his anti-violence trance, the reader is actually happy that he can commit crimes again such as beating and raping people. Surprisingly, the story ends with Alex back to his old bad habits, but the reader is left with closure that Alex’s moral choice will lead him towards good since his last thoughts are of starting a family and children. A recent online survey showed that citizens (obviously) are opposed to the type of government control presented in the book.

If you are still interested in A Clockwork Orange , checkout the Moive adaptation Be warned that it is rated “R” because of the violent acts portrayed from the book.

This site does a great job illustrating the movie adaptation with captions and then analyzing the events in terms of Burgess’s goals.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Part 2 - Clockwork Orange

After reading Part Two of Clockwork Orange, the following adjectives come to mind to describe the happenings in the story: sadistic, evil, cruel, cold-blooded, forgiveness, unsympathetic, and unforgiving. I am surprised that Anthony Burgess was not admitted to a mental hospital after writing this book because this cruel story is a creation of his mind. Basically, part two of Clockwork Orange takes place entirely in jail where Alex turns from predator to prey. Other inmates and guards treat him poorly, dealing beatings and raping him. He dominates the streets outside of jail, but his cellmates and guards teat him as a low life inside the jail.

As in the last post, I have identified a few more analogies that Burgess ha created, which don’t quite go together in a normal world. Alex befriends the prison Chaplain, Charlie who takes a liking to Alex because he is interested in the bible. When Alex reads the bible he is excited by the talk of sex, sin and violence. In addition, Alex greatly enjoys reading about the torture of Jesus and even imagines himself being the person torturing Jesus. As before, Alex listens to Classical music while studying the bible. This is the ultimate analogy that is reversed in the book:

The Bible: Righteousness as Violence: sin

According to Alex, Violence is Righteousness because as he is reading the bible, he thinks that the depicted violence, sex, and wrong doing is god’s message, where as a normal person would understand that violence is a sin.

After reading though blogs of other people in my class who have read Clockwork Orange, I would like to respond to a common theme all the blogs say. Here are the blogs:


Many of these bloggers say, “I disagree with the government for forcing Alex to change and controlling his ability to distinguish right from wrong.”

If I was a government official, the treatment Alex received, the Ludovico technique, would be a perfect solution to a great problem. The government has always experimented with altering behavior and mind control. Instead of keeping people in jail, which ends up costing the government massive amounts of money, they can just treat the prisoners to be “good Christians.” This will reduce crime, save money, and have fewer rebels in society. Sounds crazy, but its true.

I will post again after I finish part three.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Clockwork Orange

For my next book, I have chosen to Read A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Many of my classmates read this book for their last project and said it was ‘unique and out of the ordinary’ to say the least. As I had done with Monkey Bridge, I did some basic web searches on the book and the author to find out what I was getting myself into. Interestingly, Anthony Burgess didn’t write much until he was diagnosed with a brain tumor in his forties. At this point he began a writing frenzy (5 books in a year) so that he could provide his wife with money after he died. It turns out that he really didn’t have a brain tumor, but he kept writing anyway. A Clockwork Orange “was chosen by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to 2005.”

The first thing anyone would notice is that the language presented in the book has some non-english aspects. Some of the words come from Russian and I am actually 100% Russian; I can speak it, but I can’t read and write in Russian. This is a great advantage because I don’t have to pickup the words from context, I can read the words as they are. For example:

Korova – Cow
Moloko – Milk
Veshches – Other Things
Deng – money
Chelloveck – person
baboochkas – ladies
viddied – look
Luna – moon
Krovf – blood
Britva – razor/shaver
Pooshkas – gun/cannon
Nochy – night
Molody - young

Deciphering the vocabulary is entertaining and keeps me interested in the book. Just as my classmates said, it is a unique story. Alex and his gang of drools use drugs and roam the streets commiting awful crimes such as rape and robbery against people they don’t even know. They drink ‘Moloko,’ the Russian word for milk, laced with various drugs they refer to as Drencrom, Vellocet, and Synthemesc. Alex, the gang leader and protagonist, is also a fan of classical music, which goes side-by-side with his thirst for violence. These analogies don’t really fit together, and I think that Burgess is trying to make a point here. Classical Music is said to calm people and help them think clearly and critically. Violence results when people don’t think clearly and get angry. By listening to classical music and associating it with violence, Burgess is showing that there is a clear problem with Alex that is rooted deep inside him and the society.

Milk is nature’s nurturing food that babies drink to grow up when they are helpless and still learning about the world around them. On the other hand, drugs damage your body, destroy the world around us, and take away your senses to act logically. Mixing these two together is the ultimate symbol of this book, a great concoction combining good, evil, logic, and insanity.

I am nearly done with part one and actually excited to continue on to part two. This is building up to be one of my favorite books, or at least one I will remember for a very long time.

A Clockwork Orange - Movie Adaptation - This scene says it all.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Ok, so I have been kinda busy lately, but now that my schedule has opened up, I have a lot of time on my hands. I am going to do a video blog on the book i read (monkey Bridge), life, and whatever else comes to mind. I am not going to just make a satisfactory video just for english class, I am going to do a full-on production and hopefully attract a large following.

Now this is no easy task, but I have the advantage of looking at other 'video bloggers' who have made it BIG and understand how they did it.

So here are the most famous people on YouTube:

KevJumba - most popular blogger, funny and entertaining
LonelyGirl15 - formerly most popular female blogger
digitalfilmmaker - THE Best comedian/blogger/film maker
sxephil - I don't know why people watch this!
charlieissocoollike - Some how this guy made it too!

All of these users, have achieved the status of YouTube stars, so they have obviously done something right. If I follow the guidelines set out by these YouTubers, then hopefully I will make it as well.

Finished 'Monkey Bridge'

I just finished reading Monkey Bridge by Lan Cao and let me tell you, it was quite an 'experience!' As I progressed though the pages I could barely pay attention to the monotonous, boring, and pointless details Mai (the main character) described about her family life in Vietnam. I dreaded nearly every moment I had to read the book, although some parts of it were only slightly bearable. I had thoughts of quitting, but luckily for me, I kept going to the very end.

On page 227, there begins a letter that Mai's Mother (Thanh) wrote to her daughter. This letter changed everything I though I knew and reversed my dismal opinion about the book. With the start of this passage I noticed a difference; this letter, stretching 28 pages, literally turned the book upside down and changed everything. Lan Cao plays the reader right into her grasp, and once she has you firmly in her grip, she shakes you into awe with this final letter detailing the real story of Mai's family that had remained hidden up to this point. All loose ends are tired together and the book comes full circle. (I actually liked the ending!)

Baba Quan, who is at first described as a kind and dedicated farmer is revealed as a cold-blooded Vietcong member who commits murder and turn on his country. Thanh's burn marks are actually from napalm and not from a kitchen fire, and her family history is one of hardship, death, murder, and cruelty.

A book I hated at first, had played me like a game and then unleashed the real story when I was off guard. I would give the book a rating of 3/5 because it is very slow and monotonous at first, but the last 40 pages just blows the reader away and takes back everything you though you knew. The reader is right there next to Mai as she reads her mother's letter to reveal that everything about her family history had been made up and the real story was far less appealing and upbeat.

Villagers Return to thier Destroyed Village

Throughout the book, the narrator is changed from Mai, to Thanh, and to Uncle Michael. Mai takes the perspective of a teenager who grew up in Vietnam during the conflict but wasn't able to take in and analyze the events around her as a child. Uncle Michael is a American Vietnam Vet who takes an outsiders perspective on their lives in Vietnam, and Thanh takes an insiders perspective on the events during the war. The change in narrator occurs though letters, and stories presented to Mai. Lan Cao uses these as a media though which to present her ideas and thoughts about Vietnam since the book is a partial Autobiography.

Although I didn't like the meat of the book, the ending was superb and allowed for closure and a deep understanding of the Vietnam conflict as an insider living it, and outsider observing it, and as a child trying to take it all in.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Monkey Bridge - Part 2 (links not working!)

So what is Monkey Bridge really about? I guess I am supposed to be telling you, but I am not sure I really know. It has kind of turned into a diary of events proceeding in a continuous flow, without a separation in journal entries. The continuous flow of ideas connects the past and future. Mai, the narrator in the beginning of the book essentially sets out to learn about her family history and its deep connections to the conflict of Vietnam. Now living in America, she struggles to connect to her Vietnamese roots and understand where she came from. “In America, Borders tended to seem easier to cross, the future itself raucous with possibilities (Cao 27).” Although Mai thinks borders are easier to cross, it is also easier to get lost and forget who you are and where you came from.

I am a little more then halfway through the book. At some points, the narrator changes from Mai, the young Vietnamese American girl to Mai’s Mother, Thanh. After Thanh gets released form the hospital she starts to adapt to the life of a Vietnamese American in “Little Saigon.” At the same time Mai, who is growing up rather quickly, discovers that see can learned about her family history and her mysterious elatives. In my opinion, the most important realization for Mai comes when she says:

"Inside my new tongue, my real tongue, was an astonishing new power. For my mother and her Vietnamese neighbors, I became the keeper of the word, the only one with access to the light-world. Like Adam, I had the God-given right to name all the fowls of the air and all the beasts of the field. The right to name, I quickly discover, also meant the right to stand guard over language and the right to claim unadulterated authority." (Cao 37).

Mai realizes the power of language at this point and uses it to peer into her family past and the Vietnam conflict. In chapter four, Mai uses her newfound skill to read a secret letter she finds that her mother wrote to relatives in Vietnam. Just before she begins her journey into her mother’s past she proclaims, “I took a deep gulp of air and watched myself contemplate the possibility of touching, actually touching, this untouchable part of my mother’s nighttime life.” (Cao 46)

The first letter stretches for 13 pages and is written in italics. There is a change of narrators to the perspective of Mai’s mother, who wrote these letters years ago. Lan Cao employs these letters as a means of flashing back to the past in order to examine events that had gone on in Vietnam before Mai was even born (Basically a time machine).

Overall, I think Monkey Bridge is an interesting story, but lacks the punch of an action-adventure book to keep me reading, and is not sad and gruesome enough to make me feel sorry for the characters involved. I do not feel connected to the events happening in the book. In fact, I feel as if I am excluded from their lives and am just peering as an outsider. It provides me with a new insight into the plight of Vietnamese Americans during this time period, but I don’t know that it is really as extraordinary as the critics proclaim. I will keep reading and do a lively video Blog over my break…after I finish the book!

Monday, February 11, 2008


Aight peeps! Coach says I need to add some stylez to this blog, so lets do it! Now we got some STYLEZ up in this blog! For this post, I am also going to try to write stuff to piss you off, that way you keep reading....

"Your mamma so ugly, when she walked into the Haunted House, she came back out with a Job Application!"

...Now i gottcha!

Aight, so basically, I am really a disorganized person who can't stay on task so im makin a SCHEDULE! Its the last week before break so I am goning to work hard this week, and then do absolutely nothing productve during break.

Monday: Read, read and read some more....
Tuesday: Make a video blog at home (and READ a lil bit)
Wednesday: choose a project to complete for the first grade (and...READ)
Thursday: Do the project in class and after school
Friday: Finish the project and pick a new book.
Sat: chill
Sun: hang out
Mon: chill some more
Tues: do nothing
Thurs: sleep
Fri: chill again
Sat: chill again
Sun: remember to do homework at 11PM

If you read this far, i guess i did a pretty good job!

Here is another..."yo mamma is so ugly, people at the Zoo pay cash so they DON't have to see her......!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

'Monkey Bridge' Analysis

I have been reading ‘Monkey Bridge’ for the past three days in class, although I often get distracted by one of my classmates who sits to the left of me. He constantly makes controversial and irrelevant remarks. In addition, I am often obstructed by the temptation to add features to my blog such as my cherished blog ‘view-counter.’

Before diving into ‘Monkey Bridge,’ I did a quick Wikipedia search on the Author and the book in general. What I found greatly helped me digest my reading.

I used youtube to watch historical videos to refresh my knowledge on the events during this time period:

The Author, Lan Cao was born in Vietnam and lived the war as a child. She moved to the USA when she was a teenager. According to Wikipedia, Monkey Bridge is concidered to be "the first novel by a Vietnamese American about the war experience and its aftermath." As I read the opening to the book, I realized that this book was based on realistic events Cao herself experienced while growing up in Vietnam.

For this blog post, I would like to focus on the meaning of the opening in the story and how it progresses in the early chapters in terms of Lan Cao’s goal of writing the book. In the prelude, a quote from T.S. Elliot says…

(Come in under the shadow of this red rock)
And I will Show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at Evening rising to meet you;
I will sho you fear in a handful of dust

Based on background research and reading the back cover, I think Lan Cao is trying to connect past and present though this book. A young girl in the story immegrates from Vietnam to America and this book will tell of how her past and present connect. A shadow that stides behind you is the past, and a shadow rising to meet you is the future.

With the very first chapter, Cao avoids a fancy opening with a detailed discription of the plot. The book starts with a shock, “The smell of blood, warm and wet, rose from the floor and setteled into the solemn stillness of the hospital air. With this opening, Lan Cao is marking the tone of the book and setting the expectations that this will be a serious book with grosome and sad moments. As I read this first line, I realized there is no action-adventure aspect to the book as I had originally expected based on the cover. Although I was disappointed, I was drawn into the story and keep my eyes glued to the pages. I could sympathize with the narrorator who is only an innocent child trying to take in everything that is happening around her. For example, her innocense is illustartes when she says, “Someday maybe we’ll have airplanes that go from Saigon to Washington. And maybe my grandfather will be able to fly over here, just like that (Cao 7)”

I will try to finish the book by Friday and post another blog about it on Thursday, and a final Monkey Bridge Blog over the break reflecting about the entire story. I will try to keep the distractions to a minimum and read ½ hour each day outside of class.



My new dance video has been filmed and it is currently being edited. I think it 'HOT AND KRAZY' so I am going to start distributing a rough version to my committee. The first person I will be giving a video is a girl from Pascack Valley that I don't know. Since people love to read about gossip and worthless BS, here is the story:


After about 2 months of dancing secretly, I finally wanted to reveal my hidden talent. Because I was unsure of the reaction I would get, I wanted to debut at a dance were the people didn't know me. I heard that Pascack Valley was having a 'Holiday Ball Dance' so I hoped that the Valley Ice Hockey players could 'HOOK A BROTHA UP' with a date.

Needless to say, 'MY BROTHAZ DIDN'T COME THROUGH' so I took it into my own hands and asked a RANDOM girl I saw walk by the hockey bus. Shouting from the window with everyone watching, I introduced myself as 'Vinny' and asked her to the dance. She said YES!!!! I quickly replied with, 'OK BABE, LEMME GET UR NUMBA.' As a response to my comment she walked away.


I was unable to go to the dance, but I was determined to rebound from this harsh shutdown. A few days later, I got the idea to give the secret video of me dancing to this same girl who all the players though was cute...just for laughs.

One of the players on the team gave her my video and after a few days of anticipation, I got a txt message from her. I called to find out what she thought of my video. She said it was REALLY GOOD and wanted to see the next one. (BOO YEAH!!! WHOS THE MAN!!! OH YEAH....IM THE MAN!!!!)

So as the story goes, I still don't know this person, but I am giving it to her first because I don't know what the reaction will be, and a person you don't know isn’t afraid to be a harsh critic and tell you the truth.


SO THERE YA GO...That is the story. Don't know why I wrote this, but it was kind of fun. I guess it was a needed break from reading and analyzing ‘Monkey Bridge.’

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The first book I will read for my English class is called "Monkey Bridge" by Lan Cao. People say never judge a book by its cover, but the cover on this book is very interesting...well, in comparison to the other books I had to choose from.

One of the critics of the book wrote:

"With incredible lightness, balance, and elegance, the author crosses over the Abyss of pain, loss, separation and exile, connecting on one level the opposite realities of Vietnam..."

I will begin reading the book this week and post about my reading.


In other news, MY NEW DANCE VIDEO WILL DEBUT AROUND FEBRARY 9th. I will be filming it this Saturday and there will be new dance styles, new music, remixes by Marc Rosenberg (DJ Rozzie), and a Guest Appearance by Brandon Korn (aka KrAzY KoRn).

It will be released to a select crew of people that I trust and respect (My Personal Board of Review). They will preview the video and provide feedback. One of these people I actually only meet for like 4 seconds and barely know (quite an interesting story, but that is for another post) ;-)

Thats all for now.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hey, whatsup!

My name is Jeff Vinokur. I am a senior in high school living in Montvale, NJ. Welcome to my blog about school, life, and other RaNdOm things. Hope you enjoy your stay here. :-)