"Monkey Bridge"

"Monkey Bridge"
book cover

Thursday, March 20, 2008

"B" vs "A"

Until today, I mistakenly thought that I needed to read 4 books and complete 4 project to earn an "A" for the marking period, but thanks to the exuberant classmate who sits next to me, I was informed that my assumption was incorrect.

You only need 3 books for an "A" and two books for a "B"!

If I had known this before, I would definitely have gone for an "A."

I started reading 'Ceremony,' a book by Leslie Silko, until this generous student (whose blog can be found here) informed me that I only needed 2 books. As a result, I have stopped reading Ceremony after being about 19 pages into it.

I am truly disappointed in myself for not knowing that 3 books = A, and 2 books = B. Now that I must settle for a "B" since I missed a project, I will blog about A Clockwork Orange and Monkey Bridge; the two books I have already read. To redeem myself, the projects I will do and my blog posts will hopefully be very strong.

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