"Monkey Bridge"

"Monkey Bridge"
book cover

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The first book I will read for my English class is called "Monkey Bridge" by Lan Cao. People say never judge a book by its cover, but the cover on this book is very interesting...well, in comparison to the other books I had to choose from.

One of the critics of the book wrote:

"With incredible lightness, balance, and elegance, the author crosses over the Abyss of pain, loss, separation and exile, connecting on one level the opposite realities of Vietnam..."

I will begin reading the book this week and post about my reading.


In other news, MY NEW DANCE VIDEO WILL DEBUT AROUND FEBRARY 9th. I will be filming it this Saturday and there will be new dance styles, new music, remixes by Marc Rosenberg (DJ Rozzie), and a Guest Appearance by Brandon Korn (aka KrAzY KoRn).

It will be released to a select crew of people that I trust and respect (My Personal Board of Review). They will preview the video and provide feedback. One of these people I actually only meet for like 4 seconds and barely know (quite an interesting story, but that is for another post) ;-)

Thats all for now.

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